Johaan Paul

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Home Page

Hey my names Is Johaan,
And this is my Website. This is where I post most of the Games I make. If you would like to see all my Games more than what I've posted here, go on over to my GitHub page where I post everything I make, sometimes more than just games. I know a little bit of Html and some Javascript and the basic functions of Python. I try my best to experiment and learn more of these languages. If you wanna know more about me head over to the About Me page, or if you wanna try out some of my games head over to The Games page. A Feedback page is coming soon, But for now if you have any suggestions feel free to DM or message me on any of the social links I have below.
Thanks For Visiting My Website.

Note: This Website is not complete is not complete. This Is my Old Website, The things on here are not kept up to date or checked. You can visit my new website at